All art on ''Fee Fie Foe... Fiorilla'' is copyright ©2009 by the Estate of Steve Fiorilla.
Steve Fiorilla was a Buffalo-based artist who emphasized the grotesque in his fine art, sculpture and illustrations. All art here is copyright ©2009 by the Estate of Steve Fiorilla. All rights reserved.
Very sad news, a truly imaginative talent gone way too soon.
Steve was amazing in that I would come up with 10,000 ways for him to actually make money and he just didn't care. He is one of htose guys that I wished I was a rich nobleman so I could stick him in a dungeon someplace (by his choice) and just keep shoveling in food and art suppies and see what came out.
I just hope (for his sake) they do not bring him back ot Framingham to bury him as he hated the place.
I miss Steve all the time. He was a good friend and amazing artist.
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